Tips For Coping With Fibro

Tips For Coping With Fibomyalgia


Everyone with Fibromyalgia suffers with pain as their main symptom. Some also have to contend with fatigue and brain fog as well. Coping with these alongside everything else can be challenging but does not mean you have to put your life on hold.

By making some adjustments and taking a more active role in managing your condition you will start to feel more in control, boast your self-esteem and improve your quality of life as well.

Here are some tips to help you:


  • Make sure you are taking your medication as direct by your doctor. Carelessness, forgetfulness, and frustration may mean you are not getting the full benefit of them which will mean you are not getting the full relief for your symptoms.

Exercise regularly

  • Be as active as you can. Regular low impact exercise is one of the most effective ways to help your Fibro. It will decrease pain and stiffness, reduce stress and helps you sleep better.

Soak in an Epsom Salt Bath

  • Soaking regularly in a hot bath with Epsom salts (a form of magnesium) will help relax tense muscles and joints which in turn will ease your pain. You could also try using a warm hot tub or a sauna to take advantage of the heat to help you as well.

Practise good sleep habits

  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Ensure your bedroom is a restful place that will encourage sleep and if you are having trouble speak to your doctor to rule out any sleep disorders.


  • We all know stress has a huge impact on Fibro, so learning to minimize it can improve your quality of life no end. Try things like Yoga, walking, meditation, and things you enjoy doing that switch you off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Look at your diet

  • Ensure your diet has plenty of nutrient rich foods in it – this will not only give you more energy but can help you avoid other health problems as well. Avoid Caffeine – it stimulates the heart and central nervous system increasing nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. Instead change to decaf to help you de-stress. Remember Caffeine is not only in Coffee and Tea but in Chocolate and soft drinks as well.

Jot it down

  • If brain fog is something you have a real problem with, keep a pen and paper handy. Learn to jot down a “to do list” for things you need to do and a “to say list” to help jog your memory about things you need to tell family and friends.

Keep a daily journal

  • One way to take charge of your condition is to keep track of things like events, activities, symptoms and mood changes in a daily journal. Overtime this will start to show you a pattern of symptoms and triggers which will allow you to organise your life to minimize them rather than letting them control you.

Learn to say “no”

  • Because of the nature of Fibromyalgia, it is very easy for other people to forget that you need to be able to prioritize and pace yourself. Before agreeing to help someone or accepting an invitation to something you need to think of the impact this will have on your condition. To many things happening at once will only cause you problems so remember it is ok to say “no”. Do what you need to do for you and not for everyone else you won’t believe the difference it will make to your symptoms.

Join a support group

  • Those with Fibro often find it lonely and feel they are the only ones who feel the way they do, but by joining a support group whether online or in person they will find not only emotional support and advise but others they can chat to who really do understand and get it.

Hopefully we have given you some advice here that will really help you take more control of your life.

Remember Fibro not only puts stress on you but also on those around you as well so learn to talk to them about your condition and how it affects you.

Don’t try to always put on a happy face and ask for help when you need it!




To give you some advice and guidance on how you can take control of your condition and improve your quality of life when dealing with Fibromyalgia.