Other Information – Positive coping strategies for Stress

Positive Coping Strategies For Stress


Everyone experiences Stress in their life at some point, with such busy lives it is unavoidable. However, for some Chronic Stress can impact greatly on their health and exacerbate conditions such as Fibro.

Yes, we can make changes to make our lives less stressful but some things you can’t change, so the trick is to find coping strategies to help you deal with those that you have no control over.

Here are some that you may find work for you:

Deep Breathing Exercises

This sort of exercise can really help especially with Anxiety. It helps relax your body and changes what your Brain is focusing on.

It very simple to do – begin by breathing slowly in through your nose to the count of 4 and then breathing out slowly through your mouth to the count of 5.

Continue with this until you feel more centred and in control.

Try Deep Muscle Relaxation

When we are stressed, we tend to stay tensed and not relax our bodies fully.

Try tensing and then realising different parts of your body, this will allow you to full relax lowering your stress and anxiety levels.


Set aside time every day to work on relaxation. Meditation is a great way to relax not only the body but the mind as well.

Use books, apps, and music to help you achieve the most from your meditation time.

We all need some time to just switch off from the world around us and this can really help you achieve that.

Exercise Regularly if you can

When we exercise, we realise Endorphins into our body. These help our Brain reset and our Body relax.

For some it may be hard to exercise but even a simple walk or something like Yoga can really make a difference.

Hobbies and Music

Both of these are great stress busters. Taking time just for you is so important in keeping not only your stress levels under control but your Fibro as well.


We all know keeping things bottled up is not beneficial to us at all, sometimes getting your thoughts out on paper can really help.

It not only clears things out of your head but can help you see if and how you can make those all-important changes that are needed to make a difference.

Make a to-do list every day

Writing a list like this makes it easier for you to see what you can accomplish in a day.

Prioritize what you need to do and cross them off as you do them. This will help you feel a sense of achievement which in turn will help you relax and destress.

Learn to identify and monitor triggers

Everyone’s triggers will be different, and it is important you learn to recognise yours.

Try keeping a note of what you were doing or thinking about when your stress and anxiety feels out of control.

Over time you may start to see a pattern which will then help you manage those triggers.

Keep an eye on things that may suggest you aren’t coping well

It is really important to keep an eye on things you are doing.

These can include things such as smoking, eating, drinking, and sleeping.

You may find you are use these as coping mechanisms for you stress and although they may help you feel better in the short term over time, they will only cause you more problems than they solve.

That is why you need to find healthier strategies to help you cope.

Don’t run from your problems

Never ignore problems in your life, they don’t go away but instead fester.

The sooner you face them head on the easier it is to deal with them which will then help your stress levels no end.

Learn to say NO

Remember it is ok to say No to someone, you need to do what is best for you and your health.

Not doing this means you push yourself to hard which then sends you into a flare, something you are trying so hard to avoid.

Have Someone you can Confide in

Having someone you can trust and confide in is really important as it gives you another way to get things off your chest that are having a negative effect on your anxiety and stress.

Talking about a problem puts it into perspective.

Reach out to friends and family

Asking for help is one of the hardest things to do.

If your stressed about what you need to do reaching out and asking for help can really help you.

People are not mind readers and may think you are coping because you push yourself to do things, what they don’t realise is you are actually crumbling inside and really need their help.

Get plenty of sleep

As we all know lack of sleep can trigger so many things with Fibro and also impacts hugely on the way your body copes with stress.

Listen to your body if you need to rest and sleep then make sure you do.

Have a sense of humour

They say laughter is the best medicine and this is so true.

Dealing with Fibro makes it hard to want to have fun and laugh but allowing yourself that time to do that will have such an impact on your stress levels you will want to do it more and more.

Remember when dealing with anxiety and stress everyone is different, so it’s really important to find what works for you. After all we all have that dream to lead a less stressful life and although that is not always possible finding things to even help in a small way is well worth exploring.








To offer help, support and advice on managing stress in your life to have a positive impact on your Fibromyalgia.