Alternative Therapies – Stress Relaxation Techniques

Stress Relaxation Techniques


Relaxation techniques are a great way to help with stress and anxiety.

The key is to find out what works for you:


  • This has been long used to help with stress, anxiety and racing thoughts. It helps because it quiets the mind making you slow down and relax.

Deep Breathing:

  • With the right breathing techniques, you can reduce the extent of your anxiety as it can be calming to the body and mind and even soothe the sensations of a panic attack.

Mindful Techniques:

  • This is where you maintain a moment-by-moment awareness oy your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment meaning you pay attention to your thoughts and feelings more without judging them.


  • This is not only an effective stress reliever but also a way to ease anxiety symptoms too. Restorative Yoga is the easiest Yoga for those with Fibro and can also help with sleep.

Tai Chi:

  • This is a gentle form of exercise and stretching sometimes referred to as “moving meditation“ because you move your body slowly and gently will deep breathing.


  • Listening to music can have a powerful effect on your anxiety with the ability to quickly change your mood and help you feel the way you want to feel.