Symptoms – Mood Swings

Mood Swings


The most talked about symptom of Fibro is pain, however there are a lot of less common symptoms one of which is “MOOD SWINGS

Fibro sufferers may find one minute they may feel relaxed and cheerful and the next angry, depressed, frustrated and upset. There may be no cause for this sudden change in mood it just happens, and the unpredictability can really impact on your life.

So why do people with Fibro seem to be prone to these mood swings?

  • It is believed it is linked to the Chemical Imbalance in the Brain that Fibro Sufferers have, and it is this Imbalance that causes the mood to switch so quickly.
  • It is thought that the pain all Fibro People feel constantly is adding to their anxiety levels which in turn increases stress in the body. This results in an increase in pain which results in a mood swing.
  • Sleepless nights which we can all relate too, and lack of sleep has a major impact on our mood and can result in more rapid mood swings as well.
  • Also, many of the symptoms we suffer wear our bodies down. This in turn leads to an increase in mood swings and is more noticeable as the Fibro progresses.

There are conventional methods that can help you to control your mood swings such as:

  • Talking Therapy
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Anti-depressants

But there are also Home Remedies that you can try as well. They include:

  • Try to maintain Blood Sugar Levels, avoid too much Caffeine and Sugar.
  • Avoid Alcohol as this is a depressant and can make you mood worse.
  • Make sure you have enough Magnesium in your diet. Low levels in your body will affect your mood.
  • Learn to manage Stress better

Unfortunately, mood swings are not always recognised by doctors as part of Fibromyalgia, but if you are find your having problems with your moods when your Pain gets worse or close friends or loved ones have noticed a change in you then it’s time to do something about it.

Once you recognise your moods are causing a problem you can start to recognise your triggers and find out what works best for you.