Symptoms – 7 Types Of Fibro Pain Conditions

The Seven Types Of Fibro Pain


Fibromyalgia is a condition that is defined by several different types of Pain.


  • Is the Medical Term for the increased sense of pain you feel due to Fibro, as it is believed that the Brain of People who have Fibro is more sensitive to Pain Signals.


  • Is a hallmark of Fibro.
  • Many People with the condition also tend to have low Back Pain which can spread into the Buttocks and Legs.
  • Pain and tightness in the neck (that usually moves across the shoulders)
  • Pain between the Shoulder Blades.
  • Pain in the Breastbone and Rib Cage that may feel like you’re having a Heart Attack.


  • One of the most common forms of pain is found in the Temporomandibular Joint which connects the Jaw to the Skull on each side of the Face. Pain is often described as a dull persistent ache that affects the Ear, Temple, Eyes, Lower Jaw and Neck.


  • Is a kind of Skin Pain where even the lightest touch can hurt. It is believed Central Sensitization causes this type of Pain. This means the Brain, Nerves and Spinal Cord overreact to sensations. Many describe it like constant Sunburn.


  • Is the kind of Pain that causes odd feelings of crawling, tingling, burning, itching and numbness in the Arms and Legs.


  • Fibro can cause Tension and Migraine Headaches.
  • Tension Headaches cause a dull tightening pressure sensation all around the Head.
  • Migraines are more painful and usually occur on one side of the head and may be associated with Light and Sound Sensitivity.


  • A lot of People with Fibro are also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. This is a Digestive disorder that causes Cramping, Belly Pain, Constipation, Diarrhoea and Nausea.
  • Acid Reflux is another common Digestive Disorder linked to Fibro and is where Stomach Acid flows back up the tube that connects the Stomach and Mouth.

It is hard to live with Fibro especially as Flares and Pain level can be unpredictable. Finding what works for you is trial and error and takes time .

But you will eventually get there.

Always remember you are not alone on this Journey