Symptoms – Fibro Fog

Fibro Fog


FIBRO FOG” is the term used to describe Cognitive Dysfunction (Brain Fog). It is the feeling of being in a daze making it difficult to take in and process information.

Problems include:

  • Short Term Memory Loss
  • Difficulty following Conversations
  • Poor Memory Recall
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty Speaking
  • Disorientation
  • Difficulty Recalling
  • Poor Concentration
  • Difficulty following Directions

What causes Fibro Fog is still unknown. It is apparent there is no real problem with the mental capacities of people suffering with Fibro Fog, but there are several factors that could be at the root of these Cognitive Impairments.

They include:


  • This can affect a region of the Brain critical for Learning, Memory and Emotional Processing.


  • The inability to get Deep Restorative Sleep impairs the ability to maintain normal Mental Efficiency and to recall information.


  • Because Fibro ‘off balances’ the Nervous System, this causes changes in the Brains Blood Vessels which results in decreased Blood Flow and less Oxygen reaching the Brain.


  • Fibro Fog Sufferers lose three times as much Brain Tissue which controls Memory and Concentration per year than Healthy People the same age.


  • A lot of common Medication used for Fibro can contribute to Brain Fog and make it worse.

Experiencing “FIBRO FOG” can be stressful and frustrating.